Bomb squad dispatched to Glendale bank after attempted robbery

 In blog, Crime News: Los Angeles Daily News

Bomb squad dispatched to Glendale bank after attempted robbery

by Eric Licas

Officials arrested one suspect and used a bomb-sniffing dog to investigate a bag left inside a Glendale bank Tuesday, July 6, after an attempted robbery.

A  Pasadena Police Department K-9 unit, as well as a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s bomb squad were sent to the Bank of America Financial Center at 3812 San Fernando Road, Glendale Police spokeswoman Tahnee Lightfoot said.

About 5:45 p.m., they determined the bag posed no threat. It was left behind by one of two people who were detained by police after an attempted robbery at the business.

At least one suspect approached a bank teller about 4 p.m. with a note demanding cash, Lightfoot said. Employees notified police, who apprehended the suspect and one other person. That individual was not related to the attempted robbery, and was later released.

However, a suspicious bag was left inside the building. As a precaution, officers blocked streets in the area while a bomb-sniffing dog examined the item. Cerritos Avenue was shut between San Fernando Road and Band Boulevard. San Fernando Road was closed from Brand Boulevard to Central Avenue.

No injuries were reported, Lightfoot said.

All credit goes to Eric Licas
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